Sunday, March 24, 2013

Real orthodoxy breeds confidence!

From Newman: "Writing zealously and freely on this side of the Catholic doctrine, Dionysius laid himself open to the animadversion of timid and narrow-minded men, who were unwilling to receive the truth in that depth and fulness in which Scripture reveals it, and who thought that orthodoxy consisted in being at all times careful to comprehend in one phrase or formula the whole of what is believed on any article of faith."

Reminds me of Bernard Lonergan's passages in Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas, when discussing Aquinas's lack of fussiness in translating Aristotle's Greek into Latin. Apparently, St. Thomas means different things by the same Latin terms in various places, and Lonergan sees this as a mark of an intelligent, fluid mind, rather than some evidence of contradiction or error.

Source for Newman quote:
Arians of the Fourth Century by John Henry Cardinal Newman
Chapter 1, Section 5, PP beginning "Writing zealously and freely..."